Statement by Royal Office: Spain considers the autonomy initiative presented by Morocco as the basis, the most serious, realistic and credible, for the resolution of the dispute about the Moroccan Sahara

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Communiqué du Cabinet Royal: L'Espagne considère l’initiative marocaine d’autonomie comme la base la plus sérieuse, réaliste et crédible pour la résolution du différend au sujet du Sahara Marocain
In a message addressed to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God assist Him, the President of the Government of Spain, H.E.M. Pedro Sánchez, stressed that he "recognizes the importance of the Sahara issue for Morocco". As such, "Spain considers the autonomy initiative presented by Morocco in 2007, as the basis, the most serious, realistic and credible, for resolving the dispute”.

He also stressed "the serious and credible efforts of Morocco within the framework of the United Nations to find a mutually acceptable solution. 

In his message to the Sovereign, the President of the Spanish Government also stressed that "the two countries are inextricably linked by affections, history, geography, interests and shared friendship”. Mr. Sanchez said he was "convinced that the destinies of both peoples are liked as well" and that "the prosperity of Morocco is linked to that of Spain, and vice versa”.

"Our goal is to build a new relationship, based on transparency and permanent communication, mutual respect and agreements signed by both parties, as well as the refrain of any unilateral action, commensurate with the importance of everything we share," said the President of the Spanish Government in his message to the Sovereign.

In this context, "Spain will act with the absolute transparency that corresponds to a great friend and ally”. "I assure you that Spain will always keep its commitments and its word", added H.E. Pedro Sánchez.

In addition, in this message to His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God assist Him, the President of the Government of Spain reiterated his "determination to face together the common challenges, especially the cooperation for the management of migratory flows in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, always acting in a spirit of full cooperation”.

"All these actions will be undertaken with the aim of guaranteeing the stability and territorial integrity of both countries", concluded the President of the Government of Spain, H.E. Pedro Sanchez, in his message to the Sovereign.


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