Moroccan Ambassador to Bangkok Receives "AsiaOne" Award

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Moroccan Ambassador to Bangkok Receives "AsiaOne" Award
Morocco's Ambassador to Thailand, Abdelilah El Housni, has received the AsiaOne Award for his commitment to strengthening relations between the Kingdom and the countries of Southeast Asia. This prestigious distinction is awarded annually to a person working in the diplomatic field to reward his/her commitment to bringing his/her country closer to those of Southeast Asia.

 This prestigious distinction is awarded annually to a person working in the diplomatic field to reward his/her commitment to bringing his/her country closer to those of Southeast Asia.

The award ceremony took place in Bangkok on Friday in the presence of high-profile figures from the worlds of politics, business, arts and the media. This prize was awarded to the Moroccan diplomat at the 4th Edition of the "Pride of Asia Series Awards and Business".

Morocco maintains close relations of cooperation with the countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Morocco seeks to obtain the status of "Sectoral Dialogue Partner" (SDP) within ASEAN.

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